Accessory: Cellular Telephone

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Excerpt from the 1993 Mitsubishi Accessories brochure. Phone handset shown mounted in the center console storage under the arm rest.
Excerpt from the 1993 3000GT sales brochure describing the cellular telephone accessory.

A Cellular Telephone accessory was available in the 1992 and 1993 model years of the 3000GT/Stealth, making use of a DiamondTel Model 92 portable cellular phone (US market confirmed via documents; other markets unknown). This was not a direct factory option, but an official dealer-installed accessory supported by factory wiring in the car and a special install kit.

DiamondTel Model 92 Cellular Telephone[edit]


The DiamondTel Model 92 Cellular Telephone is an off-the-shelf cellular phone that can be used as a portable phone with battery power, or installed in a vehicle as a mobile phone (in the early definition of "mobile" meaning "vehicle-mounted") using a generic mobile installation kit.

NOTE: The official installation into the 3000GT uses special components not included in the generic mobile kit, and connects to factory vehicle wiring instead of using a generic wiring pigtail.

Operating Instructions Manual[edit]

Download a PDF scan of the original Operating Instructions manual for the telephone here: File:DiamondTel Model 92 Operating Instructions PDF.pdf

Vehicle Integration[edit]


The cellular telephone accessory is integrated into the vehicle with a combination of factory plug-n-play wiring connectors and special modules/components to provide hands-free telephone conversation functionality:

  • A "Hands-Free Module" mounted on the steering column includes a microphone, a button for answering/ending calls, and 3 speed dial buttons.
    • Part Number MB876733 from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
    • Also known as "Hands-Free Controller Box" or "Hand Free Microphone"
  • A handset cradle and mounting bracket installed in the center console storage under the arm rest.
  • A telephone wire is already routed from the center console area to the trunk area for easy installation of the telephone handset cradle in the front of the vehicle to be connected to the phone transceiver in the trunk.
  • A "Hands-Free Controller Unit" in the trunk integrates the telephone transceiver with the "Hands Free Module", the telephone handset, and the factory radio/speakers.
    • Part Number MB876742 from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
  • The phone powers on/off automatically with vehicle switched power.
  • When in a call, the radio is automatically muted and the phone audio is sent to the front right speakers of the vehicle.



These are component diagrams and circuit diagrams from the Factory Service Manual related to the Cellular Telephone accessory.

NOTE: Telephone-related wiring/connectors is only present in 1992-1993 model years.


(Coming soon)